Technical Bulletins

View our System Requirements and Recommendations

Backing Up WaveOrtho

To properly backup all of your data, there are specific folders that either must be added or excluded from any backup programs. Make sure to exclude folders marked as [EXCLUDE] from backup programs otherwise the database can become corrupted. The folders are listed below. If you do not know how to check this, please contact your IT professional.


Wave Backup


Wave Backup

Version 9

Orthoease Backup
Orthoease [EXCLUDE]

Version 8

Orthoease Backup
Orthoease/Databases [EXCLUDE]

Version 9

Orthoease Backup
Orthoease [EXCLUDE]

WaveOrtho also offers a Cloud Backup Service. For more information, contact support.

Also, if you already have an online or cloud backup service, WaveOrtho can setup a special backup schedule for the cloud, which will allow the backup to use less space on your cloud backup account. Contact support for assistance.

Maximizing the Performance of WaveOrtho

To get the most performance from WaveOrtho, ensure the cache size is set properly:

System Memory

It is highly recommended that each workstation have at least 4GB of memory

Memory Cache

It is highly recommended to increase the memory cache size of WaveOrtho to the following settings:

How to change the Memory Cache Size

  1. Click on the "Admin" menu. (On Mac, it is at the very top of the screen. On Windows, it is at the very top of the WaveOrtho Window.)
  2. Click "Preferences" and The Preferences window will open.
  3. Click on the "Memory" tab.
  4. In the "File Cache Settings" box, enter the number recommended above and click "OK".

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