Surf Report

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Staff Action

Did you know you can set a Staff Action for procedures in WaveOrtho?

Using staff actions allows your team to track or run a report for items that require a staff action. You can easily use this feature in any procedure and you can customize the staff action to utilize it in many different ways.

Let's look at how to set this up:

You can set up or trigger staff actions for particular appointment procedures:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Go to Procedures
  3. Select the Procedure Tab
  4. Select the Procedure you want to add a staff action to
  5. In the bottom left of the window, you can select the desired staff action

You can use existing staff actions or customize staff actions by selecting "Other"

Selecting "Other" will trigger a popup that allows you to customize the staff action
Simply type in the new action you want

Viewing all of the Staff Actions

Now, when your team would like to view the staff actions for a particular day or date range, the can do the following:

  1. Select the practice metrics icon from the main menu
  2. Select the "Reports" tab
  3. Select "Treatment" from the dropdown, in the top left
  4. Select "Staff Action" in the list below
  5. Set your date range filters by selecting the "Quick Range" or "Date Range" options in the section on the right
  6. Click the "Run Report" button at the bottom of the page

Quick Tip: When scheduling an appointment, you can also select a staff action immediately